Saturday, July 18, 2009

2009 First time Freshman Orientation

On Thursday and Friday, July 9-10, 2009, my friend Lyndsey and I went to Johnson City, TN, with our mothers for our new freshman orientation for college. As of July 10, we are official students of East Tennessee State University!

We are very excited and can't wait to go. During orientation, we registered for classes, selected a meal plan, declared our current major, and met with the colleges we are going to be in. Lyndsey and I are both in the college of Public Health. My major will be Human Health! I am very excited, but I will be very busy!

We also got to tour the dorm rooms. This is a room similar to the room Lyndsey and I will be in. This picture is an example of the size of our wardrobes. As you can see, although small, they are kind of roomy.
This is the sink for the bathroom (we have our own bathroom in the room!) Small, but it'll do.

This is the shower/toilet that is the actual bathroom area. My dad says they are typical dorm room bathrooms. Luckily, Governor's Hall is very nice. It is brand spankin' new. It's also co-ed, by room because every person has their own bathroom.

This is the first option for your bed. This is the most convienent styling, and the most appealing. It's a loft bed, and under it you see the desk and the three drawer chest. That's Lyndsey standing over on the far left.

This is option two for the bed. You can lower it completely, and it look totally stupid with those big rungs coming up both sides.